Archive for the ‘Development’ Category.

How to execute SQL statement that has a single quote in C# or insert a row with a value that has a quote?

Imagine you have a query such as the following:

SELECT * FROM User WHERE LastName='O'Conner'

INSERT INTO User (FirstName, LastName, UserName, Email) VALUES ('John','O'Conner','jo'conner','joconner@somedomain.tld')

Well, that is obviously not going to work, because the apostrophe or single quote in the name O’Conner is going to break the query syntax.

You have to have two single quotes to use a quote.

SELECT * FROM User WHERE LastName='O''Conner'

INSERT INTO User (FirstName, LastName, UserName, Email) VALUES ('John','O'Conner','jo''conner','joconner@somedomain.tld')

Ok, so there are two ways to make sure you have two quotes in C#:

  1. You manage the query string yourself.
  2. You use a DataTable and let it manage the query string for you.

Managing the query string yourself

Ok, the answer is simple. You need two single quotes next to each other.

Now, when you have single string, this is easy to do. You need to replace each instance of a single quote with two single quotes using this function which already exists for you:

string.replace(string inStringToBeReplaced, string inNewString)

Here is an example of doing it wrong, then fixing it. Step through this in a debugger.

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;

namespace SingleQuoteInSQL
    class Program
        static void Main(string[] args)
            string FirstName = "John";
            string LastName  = "O'Conner";
            string UserName  = "joconner";
            string Email     = "joconner@domain.tld";

            // Both these queries are broken because of the space.
            string strQuery1 = "SELECT * FROM User WHERE LastName='" + LastName + "'";
            string strQuery2 = "INSERT INTO User (FirstName, LastName, UserName, Email) VALUES (" +
                        "'" + FirstName + "'," +
                        "'" + LastName + "'," +
                        "'" + UserName + "'," +
                        "'" + Email + "')";

            // This will actually break your query too, because it will replace valid single quotes
            // with two single quotes.  You need to do this on the actually data strings.
            strQuery1 = strQuery1.Replace("'", "''"); //
            strQuery2 = strQuery1.Replace("'", "''");

            // Replace any intance of a single quote with two single quotes, ''.
            // IMPORTANT: Typing two single quotes ('') is not the same as a double quote (").
            FirstName = FirstName.Replace("'", "''");
            LastName = LastName.Replace("'", "''");
            UserName = UserName.Replace("'", "''");
            Email = Email.Replace("'", "''");

            // Both these queries are working now;
            strQuery1 = "SELECT * FROM User WHERE LastName='" + LastName + "'";
            strQuery2 = "INSERT INTO User (FirstName, LastName, UserName, Email) VALUES (" +
                        "'" + FirstName + "'," +
                        "'" + LastName + "'," +
                        "'" + UserName + "'," +
                        "'" + Email + "')";

Using a DataTable to manage this for you automagically

This actually looks like more work at first, but really when handling a lot of data, it is much more easy to code using DataTables and DataRows.

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using System.Data;
using System.Data.SqlClient;

namespace SingleQuoteInSQL
    class Program
        static void Main(string[] args)
            string FirstName  = "John";
            string LastName  = "O'Conner";
            string UserName  = "joconner";
            string Email        = "joconner@domain.tld";

            // Create the connection
            string mConnectionString = "Data Source=ServerName; user id=UserName; password=pw; Initial Catalog=DatabaseName;";
            SqlConnection mSqlConnection = new SqlConnection(mConnectionString);

            // Create a data adapter, this is what does the magic.
            String mQueryForSqlDataAdapter = "Select * from TableName";
            SqlDataAdapter tmpSqlDataAdapter;
            SqlCommandBuilder tmpSqlCommandBuilder;
            DataTable tmpDataTable = new DataTable();
            tmpSqlDataAdapter = new SqlDataAdapter(mQueryForSqlDataAdapter, mSqlConnection);

            // Use the SqlDataAdapter to create a table with the right schema but no data
            tmpDataTable = tmpSqlDataAdapter.FillSchema(tmpDataTable, SchemaType.Mapped);

            // Create a SqlCommandBuilder
            tmpSqlCommandBuilder = new SqlCommandBuilder(tmpSqlDataAdapter);

            // Create a DataRow and populate it
            DataRow row = tmpDataTable.NewRow();
            row["FirstName"] = FirstName;
            row["LastName"] = LastName;
            row["UserName"] = UserName;
            row["Email"] = Email;

            // Add this row to the DataTable

            // Write this to the database

Notice we didn’t have to do a string replace of ‘ for ”.

How to delete a vector of pointers in C++?

Ok, so lets say you have a pointer to a vector of pointers and you delete the pointer to the vector. That will result in a memory leak.

Here is an example of a memory leak.

#include <vector>
using namespace std;
int main()
	// This is one pointer to a vector of pointers
	vector<int*> *intList1 = new vector<int*>();
	for (unsigned short i = 0; i < 10; i++)
		intList1->push_back(new int(i));

Ok, so now that I have shown you this code that can be a memory leak, lets look at some more code to see why.

Step through this code in a debugger and read the comments to help you understand what is happening.

#include <vector>

using namespace std;

 * Pointer deleter for a vector of pointers
template <class T>
void deleteVectorOfPointers( T * inVectorOfPointers )
    T::iterator i;
    for ( i = inVectorOfPointers->begin() ; i < inVectorOfPointers->end(); i++ )
        delete * i;
    delete inVectorOfPointers;

int main()
	// This is one pointer to a vector of pointers
	vector<int*> *intList1 = new vector<int*>();
	for (unsigned short i = 0; i < 10; i++)
		intList1->push_back(new int(i));

	// This is another pointer to a vector of the same pointers

	vector<int*> *intList2 = new vector<int*>();
	for (unsigned short i = 0; i < intList1->size(); i++)

	// This is a third pointer to a vector of the same pointers

	vector<int*> *intList3 = new vector<int*>();
	for (unsigned short i = 0; i < intList1->size(); i++)
	// Break here and look at the three vectors.
	// - Notice all 10 elements in each vector are the exact same
	// memory locations.
	// - Notice the memory locations hold values 0 thru 9

	// Delete the intList pointer
	delete intList1;

	// Break here and look at the three vectors.
	// One is deleted, but the other two are still there and all
	// the vectors' pointers are still there and did not delete.

	// Delete all the pointers in the vector.

	// Stop here and look at the three pointers.
	// Specifically look at the values of intList3.  They no longer
	// hold values 0 thr 9 because they were deleted since they
	// are the same pointer that intList2 had.

	// We don't need to delete the pointer in intList3 because
	// they were already deleted.
	delete intList3;

So in conclusion you can see that the problem with deleting the pointer to the vector is that deleting the pointer to the vector doesn’t delete the pointers added to the vector. You don’t want to leave 10 pointers hanging around in memory every time you use a piece of code.

You have to first delete the pointers added to the vector, and then delete the pointer to the vector.

Which Operating System release are you most excited about?

How to convert an int to a character array when you don't have access to the C++ Standard Library?

Ok, so I have a great way to convert and int (or any other type) to a string using the stringstream from the standard library. This is listed here:
How to convert an int to a string in C++? (Also doubles, floats, etc…)

However, what do you do if you don’t have access to the C++ Standard Library? There is not stringstream or string so the solution in the above linked-to post won’t work.

So I have created a simple class Int.h that can do this conversion without the C++ Standard Library. Notice it is Int.h with a capital “I”.

It handles both positive and negative numbers.


#pragma once

class Int
	// Constructor
	Int(int inInt);

	// Desctructor

	// Public functions
	void intToCharArray(char inChar[]);
	char * intToCharArrayPointer();

	// Members
	int mInteger;

	// Functions
	char digitToChar(int inInt);


#include "Int.h"

Int::Int(int inInt)
	mInteger = inInt;


char Int::digitToChar(int inInt)
	char digit[11] = {'0','1','2','3','4','5','6','7','8','9'};
	//digit[0] = '';
	for (short i = 0; i < 10; i++)
		if (inInt == i)
			return digit&#91;i&#93;;
	return '';

void Int::intToCharArray(char inChar&#91;&#93;)
	char tmpVal&#91;11&#93;;
	int tmpInt = mInteger;
	bool isNegative = false;

	if (mInteger < 0)
		tmpInt *= -1;
		isNegative = true;

	short i = 0;
	while (tmpInt > 0)
		int rightDigit = tmpInt % 10;
		tmpVal[i] = digitToChar(rightDigit);
		tmpInt = tmpInt/10;
	tmpVal[i--] = '';
	// tmpVal should now be the number in reverse.

	short j = 0;
	if (isNegative)
		inChar[j++] = '-';
	while (i > -1)
		inChar[j++] = tmpVal[i--];
	inChar[j] = '';
	// inChar should now be the number in correct order.

char * Int::intToCharArrayPointer()
	// Integers hold as many as 10 character, plus 1 for the null char.
	char * retVal = new char[11];
	return retVal;

Here is a quick example of how to use it. Load this up in your favorite IDE/debugger.


#include "Int.h"

int main()
	Int int1 = 1027;
	Int int2 = -2387809;

	char * charPtr = int1.intToCharArrayPointer();
	char charBuff[11];

I haven’t seen it fail to convert any integers, positive or negative yet. Let me know if you see anything I could improve on.

How to post code in a wordpress blog so it maintains its formatting?

Hey all,

This was really easy to figure out, since there is a nice WordPress discussion about it here:

So a quick example:

So if you want your code to show up in your post and be nicely formatted and colored, similar to how it is in your favorite IDE, then put your code in between the following lines:

[sourcecode language=”cpp”]
int main()

It looks like this:

int main()

Put your cursor over the code and check out the top right icons that appear. You can simply click an icon to open the source in a text editor or copy the source to your clipboard.

By the way, you must have the “language=” tag and you must use one of the following short names for the code language:

  • bash
  • cpp
  • csharp
  • css
  • delphi
  • html
  • java
  • jscript
  • php
  • python
  • ruby
  • shell
  • sql
  • vb
  • xml

How to make a nice quote field with a different background color in your WordPress blog post?

How to make a nice quote field with a different background color in your WordPress blog post?

It is simple. Use a div section.

<div style="width:500px;background-color:#363636;color:#ffffff;border-style:ridge;border-width:5px;padding:10px;">
Any text you want here.

More lines...

More lines...


This will make a nice box like this:

Any text you want here.

More lines…

More lines…

Change the colors as you want.

Hope this helps you.

Also, this is not for code posts. If you want to post code, see this post:
How to post code in a wordpress blog so it maintains its formatting?

Windows 7 64 bit VPN Client – ShrewSoft

Ok, so I couldn’t get Cisco’s VPN client to work for Windows 7 64 bit. So I went in search of another VPN solution that would be more compatible.

(UPDATE: I got ShrewSoft’s VPN Client working, so keep reading down below.)

I came across ShrewSoft’s VPN Client a while ago, but it originally blue screened my Windows 7 box, but it was a version that didn’t support Windows 7. However they have a new version that is out that is for Windows 7 64 bit. Actually they now have a release version on their download site but there is a beta of the next version (Update 3/05/2010)2.1.6-beta-6 that your may want to use (or a later version if you are reading this well after I wrote or updated it). See the comments on why.

I installed it and it requested a reboot so I rebooted, and the first good news is that I didn’t blue screen when my workstation booted up. Horray!!!

After installing, I tested undocking my laptop from its docking station and then docking my laptop, and again, no blue screens, so I think it is good to go. Now I just have to figure out how to configure it to connect here at work.

I like the license, they say:

The Shrew Soft Client for Windows is free for both commercial and private use. Please read below for complete license details. Click here…

Stay tuned for more testing….

Ok…I am back for more notes.

At work we are using a Cisco VPN solution, so it turns out that when my Cisco VPN would install on a 32 bit machine, it used a .pcf file. Well, guess what is awesome about ShrewSoft’s VPN Client? It can import a .pcf file.

I imported the .pcf file and I appear to connect, then disconnect. Not sure what is going on. I am at work, but I should be able to connect to the VPN while at work, at least that is what my IT staff said.

So hopefully it connects when I am at home.

Here is my log:

config loaded for site ‘MyConfig.pcf’
configuring client settings …
attached to key daemon …
peer configured
iskamp proposal configured
esp proposal configured
client configured
local id configured
pre-shared key configured
bringing up tunnel …
network device configured
tunnel enabled
session terminated by gateway
tunnel disabled
detached from key daemon …

I will try to debug later…

All right I am back again and I am trying to debug. I found this post:

There is a program under Start | All Programs | Shrew Soft VPN Client called “Trace Utility” that is installed with the Shrew Soft VPN Client can be used for debugging. However, it wouldn’t work for me. The buttons weren’t enabled.

I had to right-click on the “Trace Utility” shortcut and choose “Run as administrator” then I was able to turn on debugging.

Positives for Shrew Soft VPN Client
– It has a debugging utility.
– It supports Windows 7 64 bit
– It imports cisco .pcf files.
– There is a lot of documentation.

Negatives for Shrew Soft VPN Client
– I don’t have it working yet
– There is not really any clear failure reason for a user.

So I will keep at it. I think I am about going to email the developer, but I sure don’t want to bug him.

Hopefully for some of you, it worked first time for you when you imported the .pcf file.

Got it working

Another positive. The developer has a mailing list, as you saw with one of my links above. I found this link:

The key piece of information I needed was this:

If it gets to the ‘tunnel enabled’ point, that means you completed phase1, Xauth and modecfg negotiations. Its probably a phase2 option. As I mentioned to others on the list, try playing with the PFS setting or enabling the cisco-udp NAT-T option.

In the tool, after importing my .pcf file, I only had to make one configuration change. I had to change the PFS setting to “group 2”. See this screen shot.

VPN Setting

So I have this working now.

I have to say that I am very impressed with Shrew Soft. It took me some time to figure it out, but it works. Now the only question time will tell is how stable it is. Expect an update in a week or two about whether I think the Shrew Soft VPN Client is stable.

The steps are easy for me to connect to my VPN at work. Now every VPN is different so I am sorry if these steps don’t work for you:

  1. Use the correct (and latest) version: 2.1.6-beta-6 or later
  2. Install Shrew Soft VPN Client
  3. Reboot.
  4. Import the .pcf file.
  5. Modify the configuration and change the PFS setting to “group 2”.
  6. Apply the configuration.
  7. Click connect.
  8. Enter your domain user and password and you will connect.


Also, I exported my configuration as a Shrew Soft VPN Client export, which is a .VPN file. When I import it, I don’t have to make a configuration change like I did with the Cisco .pcf file.

Key words: cisco vpn window 7 64 bit

How to get the size of an array in C++?

Ok, so for newbies, this is not exactly straight forward. While, C++ is not like other languages which have simple functions to get sizes of arrays, it does have replacements for arrays that are simple to use. The STL has a vector, which is a linked list that acts like an array but has more user friendly options such as an easily accessible size value (and an easy way to add a value and re-size the vector if needed).

The first question is this: Why do you need to get the size of the array? An array is always created with a size. You can always store it.

Of course you are going to have a reason why you are doing this or you wouldn’t be searching this. However, some of you are going to realize you have the value already and use it, but others are still going to try to dynamically get the array size.

So YES, you can get an array size usually. There are certain ways to do it and certain things to avoid.

  • An array cannot be created without using a constant size. So you should know it and so yes it is up to you to store the size.
  • You cannot create a dynamic array, there is no such thing. You can create a pointer to a new array but you have to pass in a size, so if you are passing in a size, you can also store the size you pass in, right? Yes you can.
  • Use a vector instead of an array.

Ok, you really want to try to get the size of an array without storing the size of the array yourself and without using a vector. Ok, we will give you some options but they have pitfalls, so know them and don’t fall in them.

There is a function called sizeof() that you should get to know. Here is a bit of code that will help you get to know the sizeof() function and how to use it to get array sizes. Load this into your favorite IDE and step through it or just compile and run it. Take time to read both the output and the comments in the code.

#include <iostream>
#include <cstdlib>
#include <ctime>

#define MAX_SIZE 20

using namespace std;

template <typename T, size_t arraySize >
size_t sizeOfArray( T const (&a)[arraySize] )
    return arraySize;

int main()
	// Static array.  The value must be a constant value.
	int intArray1[10]; // You have statically written 10, so you know this array is size 10
	cout << "intArray1 size is 10" << endl;
	cout << "sizeof(intArray1) = " << sizeof(intArray1)
		 << " (Obviously not the way to get an array size.)" << endl;
	cout << "sizeof(intArray1)/sizeof(intArray1&#91;0&#93;) = "
		 << sizeof(intArray1)/sizeof(intArray1&#91;0&#93;) << " (Appears to work in this instance.)"
		 << endl << endl;

	// Static array. The value must be a constant value, since this used a defined value,
	// MAX_SIZE, you know the size.
	int intArray2&#91;MAX_SIZE&#93;;
	cout << "intArray2 size is " << MAX_SIZE << endl;
	cout << "sizeof(intArray2) = " << sizeof(intArray2)
		 << " (Obviously not the way to get an array size.)" << endl;
	cout << "sizeof(intArray2)/sizeof(intArray2&#91;0&#93;) = "
		 << sizeof(intArray2)/sizeof(intArray2&#91;0&#93;) << " (Appears to work in this instance.)"
		 << endl << endl;

	// So what if I don't know the size, because it is dynamic?

	// Lets create a random number between 1 and 100.
	srand ( (int)time(NULL) );
	int arraySize = rand() % 100;
	// You cannot use this as a static array size
	// int intArray3&#91;arraySize&#93;; <-- Compiler error: error C2057: expected constant expression

	// You can create a pointer to a new dynamicly sized array. But it is a pointer type not
	// an array&#91;size&#93;.  T *t and T t&#91;size&#93; are different types.
	int * intPtrToArray = new int&#91;arraySize&#93;;
	cout << "intPtrToArray size is " << arraySize << endl;
	cout << "sizeof(intPtrToArray) = " << sizeof(intPtrToArray)
		 << " (Obviously not the way to get an array size, it got the pointer size.)" << endl;
	cout << "sizeof(inArray2)/sizeof(intPtrToArray&#91;0&#93;) = "
		 << sizeof(intPtrToArray)/sizeof(intPtrToArray&#91;0&#93;)
		 << " (Hey this didn't work this time? Why?)" << endl << endl;
	cout << "sizeof(*inArray2)/sizeof(intPtrToArray&#91;0&#93;) = "
		 << sizeof(*intPtrToArray)/sizeof(intPtrToArray&#91;0&#93;)
		 << " (Trying do derefence the pointer still failed? Why?)" << endl << endl;
	// So how do you get the size you might ask?  Well, you already know it.  The size is the
	// value stored in the "arraySize" variable.  You had to pass something in when you
	// declared the dynamic array, new int&#91;something&#93;, so you store something.

	// So it looks like sizeof(myArray)/sizeof(myArray&#91;0&#93;) works as long as I don't use a
	// pointer.  Is there a way to make the compiler check this for me?  Yes, that is what
	// the handy function above is for.

	cout << "Using template function" << endl << endl;

	int size1 = sizeOfArray(intArray1);
	cout << "intArray1 size is 10" << endl;
	cout << "sizeOfArray(intArray1) = " << size1 << endl << endl;

	int size2 = sizeOfArray(intArray2);
	cout << "intArray2 size is " << MAX_SIZE << endl;
	cout << "sizeOfArray(intArray2) = " << size2 << endl << endl;

	// int size3 = sizeOfArray(intPtrToArray); <-- Compiler error:
	// error C2784: 'size_t sizeOfArray(const T (&)&#91;arraySize&#93;)' : could not deduce template
	// argument for 'const T (&)&#91;arraySize&#93;' from 'int *'

Now you know how you can use the <code>sizeof(myArray)/sizeof(myArray[0])</code> statement. However, you also know that such a statement won't work when dealing with pointers to dynamic arrays. And let's face it you arrays are probably going to be dynamic most of the time.  That means you should probably use a <code>vector</code> instead of an array.

Ok, lets say you don't want to use a <code>vector</code> still.  You want to use the <code>sizeof(myArray)/sizeof(myArray[0])</code> statement anyway.  Well, then you should at least do it in a way that make the compiler complain if you accidentally use a pointer to an array instead of an array.  Here is some code that will cause the compiler to complain if you pass a pointer to an array instead of passing an array.

#include <iostream>
#include <cstdlib>
#include <ctime>

#define MAX_SIZE 20

using namespace std;

template <typename T, size_t arraySize >
size_t sizeOfArray( T const (&a)[arraySize] )
    return arraySize;

int main()
	int intArray1[10];
	int size1 = sizeOfArray(intArray1);
	cout << "intArray1 size is 10" << endl;
	cout << "sizeOfArray(intArray1) = " << size1 << endl << endl;

	int intArray2&#91;MAX_SIZE&#93;;
	int size2 = sizeOfArray(intArray2);
	cout << "intArray2 size is " << MAX_SIZE << endl;
	cout << "sizeOfArray(intArray2) = " << size2 << endl << endl;

	srand ( (int)time(NULL) );
	int arraySize = rand() % 100;
	int * intPtrToArray = new int&#91;arraySize&#93;;
	// int size3 = sizeOfArray(intPtrToArray); <-- Compiler error:
	// error C2784: 'size_t sizeOfArray(const T (&)&#91;arraySize&#93;)' : could not deduce template
	// argument for 'const T (&)&#91;arraySize&#93;' from 'int *'

So this template function will help you avoid one pitfall of accidentally passing in a pointer to an array instead of an array by making the compiler complain if you do it.  However, I am sure this template has some pitfalls that you may encounter as well.

Another gotcha is that passing an array in a function ends up being the equivalent of a pointer and so you cannot get the size:

So if we added the following function to our code above we would get the same compiler error we see when passing a pointer.  We don't even have to call the function in <code>main()</code>.

void passMeAnArray(int inIntArray[])
	int i = sizeOfArray(inIntArray);

What is the problem? Well, even though we show the parameter passed to the function as int inIntArray[], it is really not an array, it is a pointer to an array and would be the same as writing int * inIntArray.

Are there more gotchas? You bet there are. There is so much more to learn. All my arrays are of type int in this example. Here are some questions to make you think…

What happens with other types?
What happens when the array is an array of objects not types?
What happens when the objects contain multiple pointers?
What happens if the object using for an array inherits another object?
What happens if the object using for an array is created using multiple inheritance?

Wow, this is getting more complex than it has to be. Why didn’t you just use a vector? See the code below to see how easy this is with a vector.


using namespace std;

int main()
vector *intArray1 = new vector(10); // Creates a vector with 10 items.
cout << "intArray1 size is " << intArray1->size() << endl << endl; // Create a random number between 1 and 100 and add that many random elements. srand ( time(new time_t()) ); vector *intArray2 = new vector();
for (int i = 0; i < (rand() % 1000); i++) { intArray2->push_back(rand() % 1000);
cout << "intArray2 size is " << intArray2->size() << endl << endl; } [/sourcecode] I hope that you have been convinced to use a vector and if not you are doing everything you can to avoid common pitfalls.

How to convert a string to an int in C++? (Or to a float, double, etc)

Ok, so I already have a post on How to convert an int to a string in C++? (Also doubles, floats, etc…) and so I need a post on doing this in reverse.

So lets say you wanted to convert a string to an int. The code for a function would be simple: (Note updated to one that didn’t give errors on either windows or Linux)

int stringToInt( string inString )
	int retVal;
	stringstream ss;
	ss << inString;
	ss >> retVal;
	return retVal;

Now, you are going to want a function that handles more than just int types. You want it to handle int, float, doubles, etc… So lets use a template for this as well. However, since the return type is never going to be known, we will not have a return type. Instead, we will pass in a reference to a variable and that will be a generic.

template <class T>
void stringToAnyType(T& t, std::string inString)
	std::stringstream ss(inString);
	ss >> t;

At first it will appear that this code is all that is needed, and sure the code will work for int, float doubles, but not for 100% for char types because when converting to a char it only gets the first word. Here is a quick example of using the template code. Copy it over and run it with a debugger and look at the variable values.

Note: I am on Windows 7 64 bit (app compiled as 32 bit) using a Visual Studio 2008 C++ empty project. I wonder if the output is different on other platforms.

//#include <iostream>
#include <string>
#include <sstream>

template <class T>
void stringToAnyType(T& t, std::string inString)
	std::stringstream ss(inString);
	ss >> t;

using namespace std;

int main()
	string intAsString = "12345";
	int i;
	stringToAnyType(i, intAsString);

	string floatAsString1 = "12345.678";
	float f1;
	stringToAnyType(f1, floatAsString1);
	// Looks like this works

	string floatAsString2 = "99.99";
	float f2;
	stringToAnyType(f2, floatAsString2);
	// Hmmm...a little loss of precision: 99.989998

	string doubleAsString1 = "123456789.12345678";
	double d1;
	stringToAnyType(d1, doubleAsString1);
	// Perfect conversion

	string doubleAsString2 = "99.99";
	double d2;
	stringToAnyType(d2, doubleAsString2);
	// Hmmm...a little loss of precision: 99.989999999999995

	string charArrayAsString1 = "Hello";
	char c1[100];
	stringToAnyType(c1, charArrayAsString1);

	string charArrayAsString2 = "Hello world";
	char c2[100];
	stringToAnyType(c2, charArrayAsString2);
	// Ahhh! This didn't work.  Only the first word "Hello" is copied into c2

	string trueBoolAsString = "True";
	bool bTrue;
	stringToAnyType(bTrue, trueBoolAsString);
	// Did this really work?

	string falseBoolAsString = "false";
	bool bFalse;
	stringToAnyType(bFalse, falseBoolAsString);
	// Ahhh! This didn't work.  It is still true not false;

	string yesBoolAsString = "Yes";
	bool bYes;
	stringToAnyType(bTrue, yesBoolAsString);
	// Ahhh! This didn't work.  It is still true not false;

	string noBoolAsString = "NO";
	bool bNo;
	stringToAnyType(bFalse, noBoolAsString);
	// Ahhh! This didn't work.  It is still true not false;

So obviously there must be a better way that will also get bool conversions and to get the full string when converting a string to a char array, but for now this gets your basic number types and any string without characters such as a space. When I have a solution that works for char types as well, I will let you know.

Also, as you can see that there is a chance of a loss of precision with floats and doubles so be careful.

Back on track with my High School goal to be a Programmer

I had a goal to become a Computer Programmer when i was in High School.

So in high school I had a computer programming class my sophomore year (it was Basic on an Apple / MAC).

In my home town, there is a Utah State University (USU) extension across the street from the high school. So we didn’t have any Advanced Placement (AP) classes. Instead, we were just given release time from high school and we went and took a college course. My Junior year I was going to take a computer programming class at the USU extension but not enough people signed up so they canceled it and I ended up in a computer graphics course. I did get into College Algebra/Pre-calc. My senior there was still no programming class and somehow my counselors screwed up and pulled me out of Calculus because I supposedly didn’t have enough art credits, which it turns out I had plenty of because because I had taken computer graphics and they just “forgot” to count it towards art.

I went to the University of Utah (U of U) after I graduated, but again, things were stacked against me. None of my friends came with me. They ran out of room in the Freshman dorms and stuck me in the graduate dorm with the weird oriental guy who was four years older than me and smoked. The lowest level computer programming class was not exactly simple and didn’t teach programming. The class spent all lecture talking about true false theory and then without even an introduction to C++, told us to write some C++ programs. They didn’t even require a C++ book for the course and in 1995 I am not sure there was a Sams Teach Yourself C++ in 21 Days (5th Edition) or such books and so I had no idea where to even start. My Dad lost his work and then I wrecked my car and used both those reasons as an excuse to just do a full hardship withdrawal of my courses.

I got side-tracked writing fantasy for the next little while. I server two years as a missionay for my church in the Dominican Republic and came home having forgotten that I wanted to be a developer. My brother moved to Provo and I wanted to live with him when I got home so I moved to Provo too. Which led to me going to Brigham Young University (BYU) where I got a degree in English (emphasis in Creative Writing, technical writing and editing) and a Minor in Spanish. I kept trying to get a Minor in Computer Science but there were just no night classes at all in CS. To help me get my degree I had started by getting my MCSE by taking a night training course the fall of 1999. Then I got a job at Convergys where Microsoft outsourced there Windows 2000 support. I was a Technical Lead for a support team there. Then I moved to the Nortel Networks account (they also outsourced to Convergys) where I was a router support engineer, a L3 switch support engineer, a Load-balancer Layer 7 switch support engineer, then a Technical Trainer, and somewhere in there I became an expert at wireless networking, learned FreeBSD, learned php, and started an open source project using FreeBSD, Apache, Mysql, and PHP. Convergys provided a tuition reimbursement, so they reimbursed my tuition until I graduated with my English degree in August of 04. Did I mention that I was an Assistant Fiction Director at Leading Edge Magazine? Check out issue 46 where i am listed under “Staff” and issues 47 and 48 where I am listed as “Assistant Fiction Director”.

So as you can see, even thought I was working on an English degree and as a hobby writing poetry and fiction stories, I was still working with computers and as a second hobby learning FreeBSD, Apache, MySQL, PHP.

Well, in August of 2004 I not only graduated but I got married, got a new job with LANDesk and moved to a new apartment (with just my new wife and I, of course).

At LANDesk, it being a software company, I was exposed to development more and my desire to get back into it returned. I went through a few books all on my own:

Then I took some classes at Salt Lake Community College, which were mostly in Java.

I started doing some small development projects and completed two add-ons for LANDesk.

A development position opened in Support, working with our internal support tools, data warehousing, reporting, etc…I applied and some how, my work paid off and I got the position. Now as was my original high school goal, I am a developer. Official title: System Analyst / Developer.

I am loving it.

How to store a password in an XML file encrypted so it is not in clear text or how to encrypt any textstring?

Ok, so I have an application that needs to take a password and I need to remember that password. All the configuration is stored in XML, which is usually clear text. I want to store the password in the XML file, but I don’t want anyone to be able to open the XML file and be able to see the password in clear text.

So here is what I going to do.

I create a class called PasswordEncoder that is going to use DESCryptoServiceProvider, which is a C# function.

I found a few examples online that helped me create this, such as Microsoft’s site that explains this object and another users blog that shows an example, which I used but only slightly modified.

So here is my source. All you have to do is create your own class and copy in this code and you are ready to encrypt and decrypt passwords you store in XML.

Important! You must change the mInitializationVector and the mByteArray variable values to be your own values. Yes you can simply make up your own values.  We don’t want a everyone using the same keys.

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.IO;
using System.Linq;
using System.Security.Cryptography;
using System.Text;

namespace PasswordEncoder
    class PasswordEncoder
        string mEncryptedPassword;
        // Change the two values below to be something other than the example.
        // Once changed and in use, do not change the value below again or you
        // won't be able to decrypt previously stored passwords.
        string mByteArray = "%$#>#%232s+as#l)URa0$!@";
        byte[] mInitializationVector = { 0x01, 0x34, 0x56, 0x78, 0x90, 0xAB, 0xf7, 0xEF };

        public PasswordEncoder()

        public PasswordEncoder(string inPassword)
            mEncryptedPassword = EncryptWithByteArray(inPassword, mByteArray);

        public string EncryptWithByteArray(string inPassword)
            mEncryptedPassword = EncryptWithByteArray(inPassword, mByteArray);
            return mEncryptedPassword;

        private string EncryptWithByteArray(string inPassword, string inByteArray)
                byte[] tmpKey = new byte[20];
                tmpKey = System.Text.Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(inByteArray.Substring(0, 8));
                DESCryptoServiceProvider des = new DESCryptoServiceProvider();
                byte[] inputArray = System.Text.Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(inPassword);
                MemoryStream ms = new MemoryStream();
                CryptoStream cs = new CryptoStream(ms, des.CreateEncryptor(tmpKey, mInitializationVector), CryptoStreamMode.Write);
                cs.Write(inputArray, 0, inputArray.Length);
                return Convert.ToBase64String(ms.ToArray());
            catch (Exception ex)
                throw ex;

        public string DecryptWithByteArray()
            return DecryptWithByteArray(mEncryptedPassword, mByteArray);

        private string DecryptWithByteArray(string strText, string strEncrypt)
                byte[] tmpKey = new byte[20];
                tmpKey = System.Text.Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(strEncrypt.Substring(0, 8));
                DESCryptoServiceProvider des = new DESCryptoServiceProvider();
                Byte[] inputByteArray = inputByteArray = Convert.FromBase64String(strText);
                MemoryStream ms = new MemoryStream();
                CryptoStream cs = new CryptoStream(ms, des.CreateDecryptor(tmpKey, mInitializationVector), CryptoStreamMode.Write);
                cs.Write(inputByteArray, 0, inputByteArray.Length);
                System.Text.Encoding encoding = System.Text.Encoding.UTF8;
                return encoding.GetString(ms.ToArray());
            catch (Exception ex)
                throw ex;

        public string EncryptedPassword
            get { return mEncryptedPassword; }
            set { mEncryptedPassword = value; }

        public string ByteArray
            get { return mByteArray; }
            set { mByteArray = value; }

Here is a simple sample of how to use this:

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;

namespace PasswordEncoder
    class Program
        static void Main(string[] args)
            Console.Write("Enter a password: ");
            string password = Console.ReadLine();
            Console.WriteLine("You entered this password: " + password);

            PasswordEncoder pe = new PasswordEncoder();
            string encryptedPassword = pe.EncryptWithByteArray(password);
            Console.WriteLine("Your encrypted password string: " + encryptedPassword);

            string decryptedPassword = pe.DecryptWithByteArray();
            Console.WriteLine("Your decrypted password string: " + decryptedPassword);

            if (password.Equals(decryptedPassword))
                Console.WriteLine("Good work, your password was successfully encrypted then decrypted.");
                Console.WriteLine("Uh...what did you do wrong, these don't match.");

Tool to create keyboard shortcuts that paste common data because code snippets don't work for C++ in Visual Studio 2008

So I was quite annoyed that code snippets doesn’t work for C++ in Visual Studio 2008.

So I have used a download of a program called KeyText for years. Since probably 2001. However, they no longer have a free version and so I set off to find a new program that was Open Source or FreeWare.

So far it is a no go. I think that such a tool is indispensable so I will probably have to purchase such a tool. Here is a list of tools I have found.

KeyText – $29.95 –

Keyboard Express – $24.99 –

QuickPhrase – $14.90 (download only) –

Hot Keyboard – $29.95 –

Template Manager – $9.95 –

Flash Paste – $29.95 – let me down…either that or I just did a poor job searching. While I still haven’t found an open source keyboard macro text pasting tool, there are some quality options above that are all low priced.

Where to get free training and tutorial videos for WPF?

So WPF doesn’t seem very well documented. I have been struggling to find good documentation and learn all its intricacies. I like tutorials and training videos and examples and samples, all of which have been difficult to come by.

So I thought I would share with everyone the following web site where Microsoft provides quite a lot of training videos on WPF.

WPF Videos

If you take time to watch all these videos, you will probably be a master at WPF very quickly.

My Dice objects in C++

Hey all.

I wrote some cool Dice objects in C++ and thought I would share them with the world.

Feed back is welcome. I was thinking of this going on any type of embedded device, phone, watch etc…so I used unsigned short int to save memory space. While in the personal computer world, memory is too abundant to worry about the difference between an int and a short, but in a futuristic wristwatch that is also a video phone might not have plenty of memory.


// Name:        Die.h
// Author:      Jared Barneck
// Created:     10/4/2009 7:54:40 PM
// Description: Die class declaration
// Copyright (R): Jared Barneck

#include <cstdlib>
#include <ctime>
#include <iostream>
#include <vector>
#include <sstream>
#include <string>

#ifndef DIE_AS_IN_DICE
#define DIE_AS_IN_DICE

using namespace std;

class Die
	// Constructors
	Die(unsigned short int inNumberOfSides = DEFAULT_NUMBER_OF_SIDES);
	Die(unsigned short int inNumberOfSides, unsigned short int inStartNumber);
	Die(unsigned short int inNumberOfSides, unsigned short int inStartNumber, unsigned short int inIncrementNumber);
	Die(unsigned short int inNumberOfSides, unsigned short int inStartNumber, unsigned short int inIncrementNumber, bool inStoreHistory);
	Die(bool inStoreHistory);

	// Destructor

	// Accessor functions
	unsigned short int getNumberOfSides();
	unsigned short int getStartNumber();
	unsigned short int getIncrementNumber();
	unsigned short int getLastNumberRolled();
	unsigned short int getMaxNumber();
	vector<unsigned short int> * getHistory();

	void setNumberOfSides(unsigned short int inNumberOfSides);
	void setStartNumber(unsigned short int inStartNumber);
	void setIncrementNumber(unsigned short int inIncrementNumber);
	void enableStoreHistory(bool inStoreHistoryState);

	// Standard functions
	bool equals(Die * inDie);
	Die * clone();
	string toString();

	// Other functions
	unsigned short int roll();
	void clearHistory();

    // Public Members
    int currentNumber;


	// Private other functions
	void initDie(unsigned short int inNumberOfSides, unsigned short int inStartNumber, unsigned short int inIncrementNumber, bool inStoreHistory);
	string intToString(int inInt);
	void initializeCounter();

	// Private Members
	int mNumberOfRolls;
	unsigned short int mNumberOfSides;
	unsigned short int mStartNumber;
	unsigned short int mIncrementNumber;
	bool mStoreHistory;

	vector<unsigned short int> *mHistory; // Use this to store history of rolls.
	vector<unsigned short int> *mCounter; // Stores the number of times each die value is rolled.

	// Default values
	static const unsigned short int DEFAULT_NUMBER_OF_SIDES	 = 6;
	static const unsigned short int DEFAULT_START_NUMBER	 = 1;
	static const unsigned short int DEFAULT_INCREMENT_NUMBER = 1;
	static const bool DEFAULT_STORE_HISTORY	= false;



// Name:        Die.cpp
// Author:      Jared Barneck
// Created:     10/4/2009 7:54:40 PM
// Description: Die class declaration
// Copyright (R): Jared Barneck
#include "stdwx.h"
#include "Die.h"

// Constructors
Die::Die(unsigned short int inNumberOfSides)

// Future functions
Die::Die(unsigned short int inNumberOfSides, unsigned short int inStartNumber)

Die::Die(unsigned short int inNumberOfSides, unsigned short int inStartNumber, unsigned short int inIncrementNumber)
	initDie(inNumberOfSides, inStartNumber, inIncrementNumber, DEFAULT_STORE_HISTORY);

Die::Die(unsigned short int inNumberOfSides, unsigned short int inStartNumber, unsigned short int inIncrementNumber, bool inStoreHistory)
	initDie(inNumberOfSides, inStartNumber, inIncrementNumber, inStoreHistory);

Die::Die(bool inStoreHistory)

// Destructor
	//delete mHistory;
	//delete mCounter;

// Accessor functions
unsigned short int Die::getNumberOfSides()
	return mNumberOfSides;

unsigned short int Die::getStartNumber()
	return mStartNumber;

unsigned short int Die::getIncrementNumber()
	return mIncrementNumber;

unsigned short int Die::getLastNumberRolled()
	return mHistory->at(mHistory->size() - 1);

unsigned short int Die::getMaxNumber()
	return mStartNumber + ((mNumberOfSides - 1) * mIncrementNumber);

vector<unsigned short int> * Die::getHistory()
	return mHistory;

void Die::setNumberOfSides(unsigned short int inNumberOfSides)
	mNumberOfSides = inNumberOfSides;

void Die::setStartNumber(unsigned short int inStartNumber)
	mStartNumber = inStartNumber;

void Die::setIncrementNumber(unsigned short int inIncrementNumber)
	mIncrementNumber = inIncrementNumber;

void Die::enableStoreHistory(bool inStoreHistory)
	mStoreHistory = inStoreHistory;

	if (inStoreHistory)
		delete mHistory;
		delete mCounter;

// Standard functions
bool Die::equals(Die * inDie)
	if (inDie->getNumberOfSides() == mNumberOfSides
		&& inDie->getStartNumber() == mStartNumber
		&& inDie->getIncrementNumber() == mIncrementNumber )
		return true;
	return false;

Die * Die::clone()
	return new Die(mNumberOfSides, mStartNumber, mIncrementNumber, mStoreHistory);

string Die::toString()
	string retVal;
	retVal  = "Sides=" + intToString(mNumberOfSides) + ";";
	retVal += "Values=" + intToString(mStartNumber) + " thru ";
	retVal += intToString((mNumberOfSides * mIncrementNumber) + (mStartNumber - 1));
	retVal += " by increments of " + intToString(mIncrementNumber) + ";";

	return retVal;

// Other functions
unsigned short int Die::roll()
	int currentNumber = rand() % mNumberOfSides + 1;
	if (mStoreHistory)
	return currentNumber;

void Die::clearHistory()
	mHistory = new vector<unsigned short int>();

void Die::initDie(unsigned short int inNumberOfSides, unsigned short int inStartNumber, unsigned short int inIncrementNumber, bool inStoreHistory)
	// Set Random seed

	mNumberOfSides = inNumberOfSides;
	mStartNumber = inStartNumber;
	mIncrementNumber = inIncrementNumber;
	mCounter = new vector<unsigned short int>();
	mHistory = new vector<unsigned short int>();

string Die::intToString(int inInt)
	stringstream ss;
	string s;
	ss << inInt;
	s = ss.str();
	return s;

void Die::initializeCounter()
	for (int i = 0; i <= getMaxNumber(); i++)


// Name:			SetOfDice.h
// Author:			Jared Barneck
// Created:			10/4/2009 7:54:40 PM
// Description:		Die class declaration
// Copyright (R):	Jared Barneck

#include <iostream>
#include <iomanip>
#include "Die.h"

#ifndef SET_OF_DICE_
#define SET_OF_DICE_

using namespace std;

class SetOfDice
	// Constructors

	 * This Constructor creates a new SetOfDice object using the defaults, 2 dice with 6 sides each valuing between
	 * 1 and 6.

	 * This Constructor takes the die passed in and clones it, so the total number of dice equals the default number
	 * of dice or 2.  If the die does not have history enabled, it will enable it before cloning occurs.
	SetOfDice(Die * inDie);

	 * This Constructor takes the die passed in and clones as many times as needed so that the total number of dice
	 * equals the inNumberOfDice value.
	SetOfDice(Die * inDie, unsigned short int inNumberOfDice);

	 * This Constructor takes integer passed in and creates new die objects using default values so the total number
	 * of dice equals the inNumberOfDice value.
	SetOfDice(unsigned short int inNumberOfDice);

	// Destructor

	// Accessor functions

	 * Returns the die at the index provided. Indexes start at 0 not 1.
	int getNumberOfDice();

	 * Returns the die at the index provided. Indexes start at 0 not 1.
	Die * getDie(unsigned short int inDieIndex);

	 * This function adds a die to the SetOfDice. If all the dice are the same type of dice, it adds another of the
	 * same type.  However, if the there are different dice sizes, it adds a default dice. It also clears history as
	 * adding a new die means there is nohistory since the die has been added.
	void addDie();
	// Standard functions

	 * This function adds the die to the SetOfDice. It also clears history as adding a new die means there is no
	 * history since the die has been added.
	void addDie(Die * inDie);

	 * This function enables the Store History where the dice store the results of all rolls during their lifetime.
	void enableStoreHistory(bool inStoreHistoryState);

	 * This function returns the smallest possible value.
	unsigned short int getSmallestPossibleValue();

	 * This function returns the greatest possible value.
	unsigned short int getGreatestPossibleValue();

	 * This function returns the amount of times a certain number was rolled. History must be enabled.
	unsigned short int getCountThatNumberWasRolled(unsigned short int inNumber);

	// Other functions

	 * This rolls all the dice and returns the sum of dice rolled.
	unsigned short int rollAllDice();

	 * This rolls the die and returns the result.
	unsigned short int rollSingleDice(unsigned short int inDiceIndex);

	 * This clears all the history.
	void clearHistory();

	 * This returns the statistics in a tabular format.
	string getStats();


	// Private functions
	void createSetOfDie(Die * inDie, unsigned short int inNumberOfDice);
	string intToString(unsigned short int inInt);
	void initializeCounter();
	template < class T> void deleteVectorOfPointers(T * inT);

	// Members
	vector<Die*> *mDice;
	vector<unsigned short int> *mHistory; // Use this to store history of rolls.
	vector<unsigned short int> *mCounter; // Stores the number of times each die value is rolled.
	bool mStoreHistory;

	// Default values
	static const unsigned short int DEFAULT_NUMBER_OF_DICE = 2;
	static const bool DEFAULT_STORE_HISTORY = true;



// Name:			SetOfDice.cpp
// Author:			Jared Barneck
// Created:			10/4/2009 7:54:40 PM
// Description:		Die class declaration
// Copyright (R):	Jared Barneck
#include "stdwx.h"
#include "SetOfDice.h"

 * This Constructor creates a new SetOfDice object using the defaults, 2 dice with 6 sides each valuing between
 * 1 and 6.
	createSetOfDie(new Die(mStoreHistory), 2);

 * This Constructor takes the die passed in and clones it, so the total number of dice equals the default number
 * of dice or 2.  If the die does not have history enabled, it will enable it before cloning occurs.
SetOfDice::SetOfDice(Die * inDie)
	createSetOfDie(inDie, 2);


 * This Constructor takes the die passed in and clones as many times as needed so that the total number of dice
 * equals the inNumberOfDice value.
SetOfDice::SetOfDice(Die * inDie, unsigned short int inNumberOfDice)
	createSetOfDie(inDie, inNumberOfDice);


 * This Constructor takes integer passed in and creates new die objects using default values so the total number
 * of dice equals the inNumberOfDice value.
SetOfDice::SetOfDice(unsigned short int inNumberOfDice)
	createSetOfDie(new Die(mStoreHistory), inNumberOfDice);

// Destructor

	delete mCounter;
	delete mHistory;

// Accessor functions

 * Returns the die at the index provided. Indexes start at 0 not 1.
int SetOfDice::getNumberOfDice()
    return mDice->size();

 * Returns the die at the index provided. Indexes start at 0 not 1.
Die * SetOfDice::getDie(unsigned short int inDieIndex)
	return mDice->at(inDieIndex);

 * This function adds a die to the SetOfDice. If all the dice are the same type of dice, it adds another of the
 * same type.  However, if the there are different dice sizes, it adds a default dice. It also clears history as
 * adding a new die means there is nohistory since the die has been added.
void SetOfDice::addDie()
	bool AllDiceAreEqual = true;
	for (unsigned short int i = 1; i < mDice->size(); i++)
		if (! (mDice->at(0)->equals(mDice->at(i))))
			AllDiceAreEqual = false;

	if (AllDiceAreEqual)
		mDice->push_back(new Die(mStoreHistory));

// Standard functions

 * This function adds the die to the SetOfDice.  It also clears history as adding a new die means there is no
 * history since the die has been added.
void SetOfDice::addDie(Die * inDie)

 * This function enables the Store History where the dice store the results of all rolls during their lifetime.
void SetOfDice::enableStoreHistory(bool inStoreHistory)
	mStoreHistory = inStoreHistory;
	for (unsigned short int i = 0; i < mDice->size(); i++)
	if (inStoreHistory)
		mHistory = new vector<unsigned short int>();
		delete mHistory;

 * This function returns the smallest possible value.
unsigned short int SetOfDice::getSmallestPossibleValue()
	unsigned short int retVal = 0;
	for (unsigned short int i = 0; i < mDice->size(); i++)
		retVal += mDice->at(i)->getStartNumber();
	return retVal;

 * This function returns the greatest possible value.
unsigned short int SetOfDice::getGreatestPossibleValue()
	unsigned short int retVal = 0;
	for (unsigned short int i = 0; i < mDice->size(); i++)
		retVal += mDice->at(i)->getMaxNumber();
	return retVal;

 * This function returns the greatest possible value.
unsigned short int SetOfDice::getCountThatNumberWasRolled(unsigned short int inNumber)
	return mCounter->at(inNumber);

// Other functions

 * This rolls all the dice and returns the sum of dice rolled.
unsigned short int SetOfDice::rollAllDice()
	int retVal = 0;
	for (unsigned short int i = 0; i < mDice->size(); i++)
		retVal += mDice->at(i)->roll();
	if (mStoreHistory)
	return retVal;

 * This rolls the die and returns the result.  Indexes start at 0 not 1.
unsigned short int SetOfDice::rollSingleDice(unsigned short int inDiceIndex)
	return mDice->at(inDiceIndex)->roll();

 * This clears all the history.
void SetOfDice::clearHistory()
	for (unsigned short int i = 0; i < mDice->size(); i++)

 * This returns the statistics in a tabular format.
string SetOfDice::getStats()
	int tab1 = 8;
	int tab2 = 8;
	int tab3 = 12;
	stringstream ss;
	ss << endl;
	ss << "Total number of rolls: " << mDice->at(0)->getHistory()->size() << endl;
	ss << endl;
	ss << setw(tab1) << "Number" << setw(tab2) << "Count" << setw(tab3) << "% Percent" << endl;
	ss << setw(tab1) << "------" << setw(tab2) << "-----" << setw(tab3) << "---------" << endl;
	for (int i = getSmallestPossibleValue(); i <= getGreatestPossibleValue(); i++)
		double percent = (double)getCountThatNumberWasRolled(i) / (double)mDice->at(0)->getHistory()->size() * 100;
		ss << setw(tab1) << i;
		ss << setw(tab2) << getCountThatNumberWasRolled(i);
		ss << setw(tab3-2) << setprecision(2) << fixed << percent << setw(2) << "%";
		ss << endl;
	ss << endl;
	return ss.str();

void SetOfDice::createSetOfDie(Die * inDie, unsigned short int inNumberOfDice)
	mDice = new vector<Die*>();
	for (int i = 1; i < inNumberOfDice; i++ ) // i starts at one because we already have a die

string SetOfDice::intToString(unsigned short int inInt)
	stringstream ss;
	string s;
	ss << inInt;
	s = ss.str();
	return s;

void SetOfDice::initializeCounter()
	mCounter = new vector<unsigned short int>();
	for (int i = 0; i <= getGreatestPossibleValue(); i++)

 * Pointer deleter for a vector of pointers
template < class T > void SetOfDice::deleteVectorOfPointers( T * inVectorOfPointers )
	T::iterator i;
	for ( i = inVectorOfPointers->begin() ; i < inVectorOfPointers->end(); i++ )
		delete * i;
	delete inVectorOfPointers;

Please feel free to give any feed back and/or recommendations.

If you would like to use these dice in your code, make sure to get my permission and there is a good chance I won’t charge you unless you are are making money of it yourself.

A good site for learning WPF ListView as GridView development in C# and WPF

So i needed to make a table layout in WPF and I noticed that it is not that simple to learn.

However, I found a really good site that teaches you how to populate a ListView using a GridView from XML, a DataTable, data from a database, etc…

The new WPF GridView customized 1 of 3

I spent all day trying to figure out what this site taught me in less than an hour.