Getting Java to work in Firefox 3.6 in FreeBSD or PC-BSD 8.2
Firefox 3.6 no longer works with the Java versions in PBIs. Instead the OpenJDK6 must be installed. However, as of writing this document there is not a PBI for OpenJDK6, so we must install it from the ports jail.
- Install ports on your system as follows: How to install ports on FreeBSD?
- Open the command prompt.
- su to root.
$ su
# - As root, get the latest ports.# portsnap fetch extract
- Install openjdk6.Note: There is an openjdk7 but it didn’t appear to have a web option yet, so hold off until it has one, use openjdk6.
#cd /usr/ports/java/openjdk6
make WITH_WEB=yes BATCH=yes install - Run this link command to link the library for the java plugin to your plugins directory.
# ln -s /usr/local/openjdk6/jre/lib/ ~/.mozilla/plugins/
Testing the Java plugin
You may want to verify that java is working in your Firefox install. You want to know two things:
- Is the plugin detected by Firefox?
- Does a java application work?
- Open Firefox. If Firefox is open already, close it, and re-open it.
- In the URL enter: about:pluginsYou should now see the IcedTea-Web Plugin (using IcedTea-Web 1.0.1).
- In Firefox, go to the following URL:
Here are steps to make those two verifications.
Note; This is pretty much exactly like the handbook states. -