Social Media Widget

I just configured a new widget called Social Media Widget, as you can see on the right of my page.

I links to Facebook, Twitter, Linked in, Google Buzz, and RSS and shows these links.

Follow Us on FacebookFollow Us on TwitterFollow Us on LinkedInFollow Us on BuzzFollow Us on RSS

I rather like it. It supports a lot more too, but those are the only ones I enabled.

I created a new Facebook Fan page for Rhyous, to sort of separate it from my personal page.

Also, I have a subscribe box in the same widget.

It is actually part of the plugin, but it is really easy to add.  It is just html added to the Social Media Widget plugin.

  1. Go to and sign your sign up if you haven’t already. That is what I use for the email subscription.
  2. Click on the Publicize tab.
  3. Click om the Email subscriptions link on the left. It gives you HTML.
  4. Copy the HTML.
  5. Go to your WordPress widgets.
  6. In the Text section of the Social Media Widget, paste the HTML.
    (I think I new lines to make it look good using <br /> .. pasted html … <br />, which I probably should have done with margin in css)
  7. Play with the HTML as desired…I might have removed the “Deliver by Feedburner” line.  Which is just deleted from the HTML this HTML code which is near the bottom.<p>Delivered by <a href=”” target=”_blank”>FeedBurner</a></p>

Hope that helps you out.

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